Monday, March 3, 2008

Which Renaissance artist is your favorite, and why?

Respond with a comment to this post describing who your favorite Renaissance artist or sculptor is, and explain why. Make sure you mention at least one of his or her works.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Islam Rap

Here is a rap a student in 3rd block created for his religion RAFT assignment. It shows a lot of creativity but also gives a lot of information about Islam, including some examples of how Muslims should live their life:

Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge
I'm about to go to Mecca to bow my head
Yes I'm Muslim and that;s what I said
I fast through the month of Ramadan while I'm reading the Koran or sleeping in my bed
Waiting until night so I can eat
I don;t see how Hindus don't like meat
I don;t see why the was tripin' when Keith Ellison prays with the Koran
Cause that's what he wants to do and when I become a congress man that's what I'm gonna do
Now I'm the youngest religion in the W.O.R.L.D.
Now I see why all the other religions be hatin' on me
Now see Judaism is my mother and Christianity's my older brother
And when we quit talking I knew we lost one another

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Great Student Cartoon of the Eightfold Path

Check out this great cartoon from 1st block, showing the Buddhist Eightfold Path, explaining how Buddhists are supposed to live their lives.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Play Hangman

Each hint to this "hangman" game is one of the seven building blocks of civilization, and the answer is something we have talked about in class.

Welcome Harper Grace Embry!!!

Congratulations to Mr. & Ms. Embry! Harper Grace Embry arrived January 16th, 2008, weighing in at 5 pounds, 14 ounces. Mom, dad and baby are all doing well!