Monday, January 7, 2008

If I could visit anywhere in the world ....

Welcome to our class blog!

Tuesday (January 8th) in class we will be working in the lab (Room 313, on the same hall as our classroom), primarily so we can get everyone set up on the blog. Follow the directions to set up a Gmail (Google email) account, join the blog, and post a response to this question:

If I could visit anywhere in the world (outside the United States) it would be:

Make sure you explain your answer in at least a paragraph. The more descriptive and interesting you can be, the better. For example, my answer would be:

I would like to visit Italy sometime this year. I have heard it is very beautiful and the weather is supposed to be awesome. Italy was also the birthplace of the Renaissance and I would love to see all the art and architecture Italy is famous for. It is also one of the last major European countries I haven't visited.


ChinChilla said...

I would like to go to Jupitur. i say Jupiturrr because it has a big red spot and i really want to see for myself what's in it because... its a big red spot on a planet that no one is has really seen besides in pictures. And i woiuld also like to visit Sudan. i'd liek to help the kids that are stuck in that war going on. And its not fair that kids have to suffer from the consiquences of the war. AND its not even a war of different races, what really gets me it, its a war between to tribes of people.


!!!STARBURST!!! said...

The world is a very beautiful place full of different people, places, and things. If i had to choose one place to visit on the globe it would be Antartica. About 11 years ago, my friend and i were on the great ship of Bohagon, looking for a lost island near Antartica. My friend Billy Goat fell over into the Atlantic sea looking for his Gucci Mane CD. After that i had to ride in the ship back to the United states in Georgia where i was created.
Since that day, Billy Goat wrote me a letter and told me he was in Antartica. The only reason i havent been able to go there is because ive been spending my money on shoes from payless, and turtlenecks from Walmart. If somebody wanted to give me the greatest present of my life it would be a trip to Antartica. I miss my dear friend Billy Goat, and he misses me.
One of the other reasons i want to go to Antartica is because of the low temperatures. People in Antartica dont talk about girls who wear turtle necks, but people in Georgia do! I love Antartica like i love the juice in starburst!

Lola said...

I've been wanting to go to Egypt for almost my entire life. This ancient culture absolutely fascinates me more than any other modern or ancient culture ever has. Every Christmas I always get a book on Egyptian language, hierogylphs, architecture, jewelry, gods, etc. Unfortunately, right now with the war, it's extremely unsafe to go to anywhere in the Middle East. But I swear one of these days I will visit there, or maybe even live there.

Dat Monkey said...

I would visit Japan to see how they make the video games I play and also to see their expanding population. I have always wonder how they live with that many people in one region. I would like to see how trading with them really can make a difference and whether or not if it has a difference in how they sometimes starve.

ChinChilla said...
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Dat Monkey said...
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Dat Monkey said...
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!!!STARBURST!!! said...


Anonymous said...

go to jamaca

rbk said...

if i could visit anywhere in the world i would go to Europe. i have been to Germany and Amsterdam but i would really like to go to England and France. I have always wanted to do an internship over there for half a year or something. I believe it would be a great experiance!

!!!STARBURST!!! said...
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whereAmI said...

I would like to go back to Brazil because that is the best place in the whole world to live in

Miss Tweety said...

If I could visit anywhere in the world it would be Jamaica. It would be a great place for me to visit because I have many friends from Jamaica and the Caribean I have dream of going. I have heard of such great things to see to there and explore. As well as to chill on the beach.

bri_bri said...

if i could go anywhere in the world i would go i would go to the dominican republic or...because it seem very nice on t.v clear blue beaches...and if i ever had the chance to go all i would do is eat and sleep and go on dozens of tours...and i will visit the rain forest...i would love to see what kind of animals the have...and how they're houses are made..and i would also love to get married there

whereAmI said...
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bri_bri said...
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!!!STARBURST!!! said...
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*TAKEN* said...

i would go HOME where i belong i shouldn't be no where else but close by like a friends house or lover or family house.... i miss my home already man it means the world to me...... man i am about to cry........TEAR

bri_bri said...
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!!!STARBURST!!! said...
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happy days said...

I would like to go to Greenland because, it's a place of ice. I would go snowboarding because, it's super fun. If I crash it will be sad. It'll be cold but it's worth the experience of eating ice for every meal. I like the cold also you can have campfires. And if you visit don't forget to wear green.

!!!STARBURST!!! said...
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!!!STARBURST!!! said...
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RodeoBoy said...

I would like to go to Brazil. The reason why I would like to go to is because the are a lot of highly skilled bull riders that came from there. Also i want to go to Mexico to see the Mexican rodeo.

ChinChilla said...
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ChinChilla said...
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ChinChilla said...
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GTA MOFO said...
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Killakam said...

If i could visit anywhere in the wolrd, where would I visit? Hmm... that's a good question. I would probably visit Okinawa Japan. Okinawa is a little island in Japan where my dad was born. His parents were missionaries there, so that's where he grew up. I've heard a lot about Okinawa and I think that it would be a pretty interesting place. Plus, i really like Asia and Asian culture. I've been to Korea and that was sweet. But anyway. The answer is: Okinawa.

Noji said...

If i could visit one place in the world, it would have to be Jamaica. Jamaica seems like an amazing place from what I've heard. It seems like a very relaxed place surrounded by ocean. The culture seems amazing and dreadlocks are awsome. I love Bob Marley and Peter Tosh.

ten fingers said...

I would want to go to somewhere in South America. Chilé or mexico would be my top picks. I love the sound of spanish, I would love to be around it all the time. All the pictures i have see are all beautifull, it would be nice to see them in real person. I would also like to go to Brazil. I would probally be more diffacult for me to go there though because i do not know how to speak the language.

Right.Sharp said...

I would go to.....................
Because I want to visit Steve Irwin's Memorial....
i guess.
and kangaroos are pretty cool.
and koalas
and wombats.
and dingos.
and squirrels too..........................................................

bettyboop said...

If i could visit anywhere in the world, it would be to Australia. I want to hear how they speak for real and exprience the weather and the kangaroos.

Holiday.Golightly said...

I suppose I would go to Paris, France. I've never seen the Eifel Tower, and their way of life is one that would be a nice change from other vacations that i've been on.

Spooky said...

I would really like to go to Tokyo.
Tokyo seems pretty baller. Japanese culture really interests me and I also like big cities. It's cool to see all the different customs that they have. Also according to Right.Sharp, Tokyo is the fashion capital of the world. London is pretty cool too but I've already been there so...yeah.

baby swole said...

I would like to go to Alaska. i've heard it is a beautiful state.

holly.golightly said...

If I could go any where in the world, would go to Antartica. No one ever says that they would go there but I think that it would be really cool. Even though I dont really like cold weather, it would still be fun to see the penguins. Also, in a few years Antartica woulnt be there due to global warming.

Sabrina Fairchild said...

There are many places in the world I would love to go, but if I had to choose one place, it would be Greece. I think Greece is one the most beautiful places on Earth. I would want to go to Santorini, Greece which is an island where everyone lives in amazing white houses with bright blue roofs. The beaches are also very bright and beautiful and I think could just die if I was given the oppurtunty to go.

JJ said...

If I could visit anywhere in the world right now I would go to hawii.
I really love warm weather and the blue clear beaches there. I would also like to see a valcano and black sand. I think the cultru would also be very intresting. They also have really cool jewlery that symbolises stuff like love nd friend ship and i think it would really cool to have something like that that you always where for them it is a really big deal.

Aquarian_728 said...

If i could visit any place in the world, it would have to be Brazil because it holds a 40 day festival that marks the begining of Lent. Brazil is also has beautiful landscapes, beaches, music, a vast diversity of people and culture.

Chris Hawthorne said...

If i could visit anywhere in the world it would probably be Tokyo. I kno it looks really exciting at night and they're in many ways more advanced than the U.S. So yea i would have to say Tokyo